Sweet young coconuts

Sweet young coconuts 
Fresh from Thailand, these tropical fruits are an ingredient in desserts, but are also great as a snack. These coconuts are six to nine months old and lack the husk of the more well-known mature coconut.
You will be delighted with the sweet flavor of the coconut’s refreshing water which is best served chilled and is said to be pure and beneficial for one's health.
Our source: Thailand


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Fresh fruits

Sweet young coconuts


Sweet young coconuts 
Fresh from Thailand, these tropical fruits are an ingredient in desserts, but are also great as a snack. These coconuts are six to nine months old and lack the husk of the more well-known mature coconut.
You will be delighted with the sweet flavor of the coconut’s refreshing water which is best served chilled and is said to be pure and beneficial for one's health.
Our source: Thailand

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